22 10, 2021

Launch of Nurse to Nurse Mentor Program

2021-10-22T14:43:30-04:00October 22, 2021|Educational Programs, In The News, Integration Of Faith And Health, Spiritual Nourishment|

Currently accepting applications for the Nurse to Nurse Mentor program. As you know, Nursing is a wonderful profession that requires every virtue and blessing to manage the long hours and difficult work.  NACN-USA recognizes this and wants to be supportive in your career and life with a new experience through our Nurse to Nurse Mentor Program. The Nurse to Nurse Mentor Program is an ongoing opportunity where you'll get to walk with another Nurse. It will help you discover and deepen your relationship with God and discuss how faith and [...]

15 09, 2021

Painting of Blessed Hanna in the Woods

2021-09-15T22:42:38-04:00September 15, 2021|In The News, Integration Of Faith And Health, Spiritual Nourishment|

A painting by Barbara A. Brown, a parishioner of Saint Joseph Catholic Parish in Wapakoneta, Ohio, depicts Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska, RN pushing a person in a wheelchair down a wooded path toward a cross tipped church. In her biography of Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska, RN, A Nurse of Mercy, Gosia Brykczynska describes Hanna's drive and desire to develop Parish Nursing.  Her passion is recounted in bringing the hope and healing of Christ to the chronically sick and housebound amidst the prying Communist authorities in post World War II, Polish People's Republic.  [...]

9 09, 2021

Informed Consent and Forming Conscience in 2021

2021-09-09T22:02:40-04:00September 9, 2021|COVID Resources, Integration Of Faith And Health, Patient Advocacy|

Documents related to informed consent and forming conscience. Catechism of the Catholic Church-ARTICLE 6 - Conscience NCBC-Statement On Vaccine Mandates CDF-Respect for Human Life in Its Origin CDF-Note On the Morality of Using Some Anti-COVID-19 Vaccines    

29 08, 2021

Vaccine Mandate Statement from NCBC

2021-08-29T10:28:50-04:00August 29, 2021|COVID Resources, Educational Programs, In The News, Integration Of Faith And Health, Patient Advocacy|

As resources and new evidence continues to be developed, the NACN-USA strives to share those with our members.  If you have a Catholic Nurse in your life, consider sharing our website with them and encourage membership.  We are stronger together as Catholic Nurses in living out the mission Christ has called us to.  If you are not a Catholic Nurse but would like to support our association consider becoming an Associate Member or make a donation. The following is an excerpt from an updated statement from the National Catholic Bioethics [...]

20 08, 2021

Call For Abstracts – 2022 CICIAMS World Congress

2021-10-14T14:26:10-04:00August 20, 2021|Educational Programs, Integration Of Faith And Health, News, Our Events, Patient Advocacy, World Congress|

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – 2022 CICIAMS World Congress The 2022 CICIAMS XXI Congress will bring together Catholic Nurses from across the globe. Important dates are listed below.  Presentations, breakout group activities, and posters are to address one or more of the five objectives. Opens: August 20, 2021 (Memorial of Saint Bernard) Closes: November 30, 2021 Theme: United in Mission, United in Faith Objectives Strengthen the nursing response to the Papal call for solidarity in faith and action among Catholic Nurses (Pope Pius,1935). Promote integration of Catholic teachings within evidence-based nursing practices, [...]

18 08, 2021

Ethical and Religious Directives

2021-08-18T10:40:43-04:00August 18, 2021|COVID Resources, Educational Programs, Integration Of Faith And Health, Patient Advocacy|

The NACN-USA Committee on Ethics and Spirituality suggest that Catholic nurses, whether working in a Catholic or non-Catholic health care setting, know the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERDs) and follow them. This sixth edition of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services was developed by the Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and approved by the USCCB at its June 2018 Plenary Assembly. PREAMBLE "Health care in the United States is marked by extraordinary change. [...]

17 08, 2021

Zelenko Covid-19 Prophylaxis Protocol

2021-08-17T22:30:02-04:00August 17, 2021|COVID Resources, Educational Programs, Patient Advocacy|

Zelenko Covid-19 Prophylaxis Protocol Website: VladimirZelenkoMD.com Prophylaxis is an action taken to prevent or protect against a specified disease. Greek in origin, from the word "phylax", meaning "to guard" and "watching." The NACN-USA does not prescribe specific treatment regimens. Please discuss any treatment choices with your health care provider. A document by Vladimir Zelenko, MD that discusses low risk, moderate risk and high risk patients in regard to COVID-19.  This 2 page document with references includes lists of protocols for each level and can fully accessed in a PDF [...]

13 08, 2021

A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment

2021-08-17T22:31:16-04:00August 13, 2021|COVID Resources, Educational Programs, In The News, Patient Advocacy|

Step-By-Step Doctors’ Plan That Could Save Your Life. An educational resource from The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPSonline.org) The NACN-USA does not prescribe specific treatment regimens. Please discuss any treatment choices with your health care provider. A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment is built on the rapidly accumulating peer-reviewed published medical research, written by practicing physicians with decades of experience treating patients with all kinds of illnesses. We provide a step-by-step guide to medically sound early treatments that have a reasonable probability of success in this emergency [...]

11 08, 2021

Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19

2021-08-17T22:04:24-04:00August 11, 2021|COVID Resources, Educational Programs, Patient Advocacy|

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance Prevention & Treatment Protocols For COVID-19 The NACN-USA does not prescribe specific treatment regimens. Please discuss any treatment choices with your health care provider. A powerful resource from the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.  Read about Prevention Protocols related to Ivermectin, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc, Melatonin,  and more potentially beneficial therapies for COVID-19. Also, learn about behavioral preventions: masks, handwashing and distancing. Read and Download the 2-page Prevention Protocols Additionally, the FLCCA has published a document providing guidance to physicians [...]

6 08, 2021

Grateful to Bishops of USCCB

2021-08-06T19:15:00-04:00August 6, 2021|Educational Programs, Integration Of Faith And Health, Patient Advocacy|

In a world filled with extreme circumstances that challenge the core of our faith, we Catholic Nurses are grateful to the USCCB Bishops and Sister Agnes Walsh, a Daughter of Charity, for providing us with guidance on forming our conscience. Understanding Conscience Sister Agnes Walsh, a Daughter of Charity, is remembered for her heroism in France during World War II. In 1943, when France was occupied by German Nazis, the search for Jews began. In the face of grave peril, Sister Agnes convinced her mother superior to open their convent [...]

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