Joint Statement on Vaccines and Conscience Protection

Joint Statement on Vaccines and Conscience Protection 2 March 2021 It has been over a year since the first diagnosis of COVID-19 in the United States. Due to this pandemic's effects, our society has experienced limitations in personal freedoms to a level we have never known. Social interactions and work environments have been changed by social distancing, masks, hospital and nursing home visitation restrictions and working from home. Freedom of movement about our communities and the nation has been limited by "stay-at-home orders" and mass travel restrictions. The availability of vaccines [...]

Redemptive Suffering

Redemptive Suffering - Slide Presentation Download Learn the difference between physical pain, psychological suffering, and symptom distress, along with the types and stages of suffering. Understand the compassionate response and be able to practice redemptive suffering. This slide presentation delivered in November 2019 by NACN-USA's Immediate Past President, Diana Ruzicka, MSN, MA, MA, PHN, RN  is available for download and study.

Protect Your Conscience in the Workplace

NACN-USA gives no legal advice. The NACN-USA Committee on Ethics and Spirituality The NACN-USA Committee on Ethics and Spirituality offers ten (10) suggestions for Catholic Nurses to protect their conscience, whether working in a Catholic or non-Catholic health care setting. Know the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERDs) and follow them. Be proactive. Do not automatically assume that the ERDs and your conscientious objections will be honored. Make clear in the job interview process that you are a Catholic nurse and that you follow the [...]

Nursing for Divine Mercy Booklet

Nurses for Divine Mercy Course In recognition of the Holy Year of Mercy called for by His Holiness, Pope Francis, the National Association of Catholic Nurses U.S.A. wishes to draw your attention to Nurses for Divine Mercy, an organization founded by Marie F. Romagnano, MSN, RN in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and an 8-unit Continuing Education (CEU) course and book for nurses approved by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), and read by many Catholic Nurses entitled “Nursing with the Hands of Jesus: A Guide [...]

Catholic Health Links

Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline - 877-558-0333 [Read Case Studies] & [Visit the Website] & [On Call, Online, Employment Opportunities] Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk Reproductive Choices of Young Women Affecting Future Breast Cancer Risk, American College of Pediatricians - October 2019 [READ HERE] Addiction Comunita Cenacolo America - Community Life; healing for those recovering from addiction [Read More] HHS National Pain Strategy Letter [read more]</p> Advancing the Practice of Pain Management Under the HHS Opioid Strategy [read more]</p> Care for the Caregiver Resources pending Care for the Healthcare Caregiver Curatio: [...]

New Age Therapies and Spiritual Values

New Age Therapies and Spiritual Values Patients have a right to expect that their spiritual values will be protected when they enter a healthcare center according to the Joint Commission of the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).(1) Spiritual beliefs affect patients’ consent regarding certain treatment modalities (Jehovah Witness and blood transfusions).(2) Are nurses offering therapies which conflict with Catholic patients’ spirituality? Reiki, therapeutic touch (energy medicine) and yoga ( mind-body medicine) are types of Complementary/Alternative Medicines (CAM) which nurses administer.(3) The Pontifical Council for Culture and Inter religious Dialogue (2003) [...]

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