20 04, 2021

New Local Council in Lansing, Michigan

2021-04-20T00:00:00-04:00April 20, 2021|In The News, Integration Of Faith And Health, News, Our Events, Resources, Spiritual Nourishment|

Congratulations to the Catholic Nurses in the Diocese of Lansing for establishing a local council.  Through the leadership of Cynthia DL Thelen, MSN, LNHA, BSN, RN and a determined steering committee, these Nurses have worked diligently throughout the pandemic to develop the Diocese of Lansing Council of Catholic Nurses. The local council is under the spiritual direction of Fr. Tim Nelson.  Monthly meetings are scheduled for the 1st Wednesday of every month in Jackson with a focus on nursing ethics, professional formation, and fellowship. Join with them in celebration at their [...]

22 03, 2021

Blessed Hanna Alive in Art

2021-08-31T10:27:49-04:00March 22, 2021|In The News, Integration Of Faith And Health, News, Resources, Spiritual Nourishment|

We are excited to highlight a young and talented artist, Trisa de Sousa, who has created an original image of Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska.  Trisha has the image available to view on her Instagram page or her website.  This is how she described the creative process: I found a quote that is attributed to her by Gosia Brykczynska in an interview she did with Joanna Bogle in the Faith Magazine "What dignity belongs to our profession!  Christ in us serves Christ in the other person." I thought this was such a [...]

8 03, 2021

Can I Be Required To Take The COVID-19 Vaccine?

2021-08-17T20:38:55-04:00March 8, 2021|COVID Resources, In The News, Integration Of Faith And Health, Patient Advocacy|

Can I Be Required To Take The COVID-19 Vaccine?   HEALTH CARE CIVIL RIGHTS TASK FORCE DEFENDING CIVIL RIGHTS OF PATIENTS AND THEIR ACCESS TO LIFE-SUSTAINING HEALTH CARE healthcarecivilrights.org | healthcarecivilrights@gmail.com PRESS RELEASE Can I Be Required To Take The COVID-19 Vaccine? Contact: Michael Vacca, Christ Medicus Foundation: (248) 897-0599 March 8th 2021 As Members of the Health Care Civil Rights Task Force, our respective organizations have been fielding an increasing number of inquiries relating to individuals being required to take the COVID-19 vaccine. We offer this press release as a general response to this issue.  We [...]

2 03, 2021

Joint Statement on Vaccines and Conscience Protection

2021-08-14T19:50:47-04:00March 2, 2021|In The News, Integration Of Faith And Health, Patient Advocacy|

Joint Statement on Vaccines and Conscience Protection 2 March 2021 It has been over a year since the first diagnosis of COVID-19 in the United States. Due to this pandemic's effects, our society has experienced limitations in personal freedoms to a level we have never known. Social interactions and work environments have been changed by social distancing, masks, hospital and nursing home visitation restrictions and working from home. Freedom of movement about our communities and the nation has been limited by "stay-at-home orders" and mass travel restrictions. The availability of vaccines [...]

1 02, 2021

Maria Arvonio to Speak on Suicide

2021-02-01T00:00:00-05:00February 1, 2021|Educational Programs, In The News, News, Resources|

Together in Combat with the Holy Spirit: Finding the Root Cause of Suicide Maria Arvonio, Regional Director with NACN-USA and nurse supervisor at the Community Hospital in Southern New Jersey, will be a guest speaker on a webinar hosted by the National Council Partnership on Disability, Council on Mental Illness.  Ms. Arvonio received a Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Villanova University and a Master's degree in Healthcare Ethics from Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. She is also an author and a retreat leader. Her specialties include [...]

22 01, 2021

Recurring Calendar Events: Catholic, Nursing, Health Awareness

2021-01-22T00:00:00-05:00January 22, 2021|In The News, Integration Of Faith And Health, News, Resources|

Recurring Events January 22 - National Sanctity of Human Life Day, U.S.A. declared by President Donald J. Trump as he addressed the 45th Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. in 2018. January 26, 2020-3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time --- Sunday of the Word of God His Holiness Pope Francis announced on September 30, 2019 that the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time would be devoted to the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God. September 30, 2019 celebrates 1600 years since the death of St. Jerome, the man [...]

18 12, 2020

Protect Your Conscience in the Workplace

2021-08-18T11:16:16-04:00December 18, 2020|COVID Resources, In The News, Integration Of Faith And Health, Patient Advocacy, Resources|

NACN-USA gives no legal advice. The NACN-USA Committee on Ethics and Spirituality The NACN-USA Committee on Ethics and Spirituality offers ten (10) suggestions for Catholic Nurses to protect their conscience, whether working in a Catholic or non-Catholic health care setting. Know the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERDs) and follow them. Be proactive. Do not automatically assume that the ERDs and your conscientious objections will be honored. Make clear in the job interview process that you are a Catholic nurse and that you follow the [...]

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