
SPIRITUAL RESOURCES DURING TIMES OF SOCIAL DISTANCING The last few weeks have been like few living souls on Earth have ever witnessed, and it doesn’t seem like the next few will be normal, either. Not since the influenza of 1918, have we seen forced quarantines to this extent. It is a time of unrest, concern, worry, and strife. Since many bishop have issued statement regarding suspension of public Masses, in keeping with the increasing requests of public authorities and health officials regarding the size of gatherings, most of our parish [...]

2021-12-05T15:41:34-05:00November 11, 2020|Resources, Spiritual Nourishment|

Nursing for Divine Mercy Booklet

Nurses for Divine Mercy Course In recognition of the Holy Year of Mercy called for by His Holiness, Pope Francis, the National Association of Catholic Nurses U.S.A. wishes to draw your attention to Nurses for Divine Mercy, an organization founded by Marie F. Romagnano, MSN, RN in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and an 8-unit Continuing Education (CEU) course and book for nurses approved by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), and read by many Catholic Nurses entitled “Nursing with the Hands of Jesus: A Guide [...]


Religious Orders for Nurses The following are examples of communities that accept nurses with vocations to religious life. Sr. Mary & Sr. Camille (Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne) with Sr. Callista Roy at NACN-USA Summit in Cape Cod, 6-8Oct2017 Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne 600 Linda Avenue Hawthorne, NY 10532 (845) 745-1319 Sister of Life 38 Montebello Road Suffern, NY 10901 (845)-357-0258 Religious Life The Institute on Religious Life (IRL) promotes and supports the growth, development, and renewal of the consecrated life—particularly vowed religious life—as a gift to the Church [...]

2020-11-11T00:00:00-05:00November 11, 2020|Educational Programs, Resources, Spiritual Nourishment|

Author Speaks on Blessed Hanna

Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska, RN – A Nurse of Mercy On September 5, 2019 Rochester, New York members of the National Association of Catholic Nurses, U.S.A. hosted Dr. Gosia Brykczynska, PhD, RN, OCV, International Speaker and Author at the St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry where she shared about the extraordinary life and legacy of Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska, RN, the first lay Registered Nurse to be beatified. Dr. Gosia Brykczynska, PhD, RN, OCV is a member of the Krakow Catholic Association of Nurses and Midwives, the UK Association of Nurses and Midwives, the [...]

2020-09-05T00:00:00-04:00September 5, 2020|Uncategorized|

Holy Father, Pope Francis Speaks to Nurses

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we celebrate International Nurses Day, in the context of the International Year of Nurses and Midwives officially declared by the World Health Organization. At this same time, we observe the bicentennial of the birth of Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of modern nursing. At this critical moment, marked by the global health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we have rediscovered the fundamental importance of the role being played by nurses and midwives. Every day we witness the testimony of courage and sacrifice of healthcare workers, [...]

African Congress in Kenya 2020

7th CONGRESS OF THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING AFRICAN REGION OF CICIAMS — SEP 2020 On behalf of CICIAMS, the Catholic Nurses Association of Kenya herewith invite you to register for the 7th Congress of the English-Speaking Region. THEME: “EMBRACING NURSING LEADERSHIP IN NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE MANAGEMENT TO ENHANCE HOLISTIC CARE.” CONGRESS DATES: 9-11 SEPTEMBER 2020 EXCURSION DATE: 12 SEPTEMBER 2020 (OPTIONAL) VENUE: NAIROBI, KENYA For those who serve on the CICIAMS Board and NACN-USA Representatives, there are meetings prior to the Conference: EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING: 7 SEPTEMBER GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING: 8 SEPTEMBER ADDITIONAL [...]

2020 Virtual 16th Annual Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics & Spirituality Conference

November 2020 Virtual 16th Annual Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics & Spirituality Conference November 6 & 7, 2020 Location: Online Sponsored by: Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy (NACN-USA member Marie Romagnano, MSN, RN,CCM is the Founder and President of Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy and the co-planner of this virtual conference.

2020-03-09T00:00:00-04:00March 9, 2020|Educational Programs, In The News, News, Resources|

Catholic Nurses Association of Kenya

7th Congress of the English-Speaking Region of the International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medical Social Assistants* (CICIAMS) Theme: Embracing Nursing Leadership in Non-Communicable Disease Management to Enhance Holistic Care Date: September 9-11, 2020 (Optional 12th excursion) For CICIAMS Board Members Country Representatives & Members who would like to attend, the Executive Board Meeting will be held on September 7th and the General Council meeting on September 8th. Location: Nairobi, Kenya Sponsored by: Catholic Nurses Association of Kenya Catholic Nurses Association of Kenya2016 Annual Meeting Additional Information: Positions [...]

Nurse Conscience Rights

Good News for Nurses' Conscience Rights Protection Carolyn Laabs, PhD, MA, FNP-BC, RNChair, Ethics & Spirituality Committee It is good to know that at last laws protecting conscience objection to participating in abortion are being enforced. On August 28, 2019 the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMC) was put on notice by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) for violating the Church amendments by forcing nurses to assist with abortions against their moral objections. Upon an investigation by the OCR, the [...]

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