Sexual Common Sense

Dr. Janet Smith, PhD speaks nationally and internationally on Catholic teaching of sexuality and bioethics.  Dr. Smith has published numerous articles including important and powerful topics for Catholic Nurses including: Over Population - The Myth Hormones Are Us Contraception Why Not (Currently a Free Download) Natural Family Planning: Is it Moral. These topics can be accessed from Dr. Smith's website. Professor Smith is the author of Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later and A Right to Privacy. Her volume entitled Self-Gift contains her previously published essays on Humanae Vitae and the [...]

NFP Resources and Physician Locator

One More Soul (OMS) is a non-profit organization based in Dayton, Ohio that is dedicated to spreading the truth about the blessings of children and the harms of contraception. The website carries a wide variety of educational resources, including CDs, DVDs, pamphlets, booklets, books, and more. Visit their website and discover some of the wonderful resources available about natural family planning, nutrition and fertility, the pain from abortion and much more. Include an NFP-only Physician locator.

World Congress 2022 Video

You are personally invited in this video by NACN-USA President Ellen Gianoli and International CICIAMS President Dr. Khosi Mthethwa. I'm excited! Tell me more.

Caregiver’s Journal

We are proud to share the wonderful work of our member, Deb Kelsey-Davis and her award winning journal, The Caregiver’s Companion. Winner of a second-place award in best front-cover artwork from the Catholic Media Association and a third-place award in general interest books from the Association of Catholic Publishers. From the publisher's desciption: Every caregiver’s story is unique, but one thing you all have in common is that you need to be nourished to have the resilience and compassion to tend to the needs of those you love. The Caregiver’s [...]

Burn and Trauma Nurse Exhorts Prayer

Member Article by Marie Romagnano, MSN, RN originally published through the Divine Mercy website. Watching two residential condominium towers collapse in disbelief that has caused total destruction and sudden loss of life, instantly killing those asleep or severely injuring many-with little or no warning is a cause for prayer for these victims.   As a burn and trauma nurse, I watched realizing the magnitude of the medical emergencies as a result of the injuries and inability for rescue teams to reach the injured and dying due to the unstable debris [...]

Registration Open!

Registration ends May 31, 2022. NACN-USA Member ($350) Full access to all congress sessions, August 2, 3, 4. Continental breakfast each day. Boxed lunch each day. Discounted registration rate to our members. Exclusive networking sessions for our Members during event. Does not include lodging. Additional cost for special evening dinner programs. Non-Member ($400) Full access to all congress sessions, August 2, 3, 4. Continental breakfast each day. Boxed lunch each day. Full price to register. Does not include lodging. Additional cost for special evening dinner programs. Become a member now [...]

Archdiocese of Cincinnati Catholic Nurses

Nursing is not only a complicated science, it is a magnificent art. In addition to employing years of scientific training and study, frontline healthcare professionals must also become masters of emotional intelligence. There’s a subtle, yet indistinguishable beauty that emerges when the practice of human empathy, compassion and science combine. The role of a Catholic nurse is even more crucial. We live in an age where the sanctity of human life is on a steady decline. Nurses often find themselves in situations where their moral beliefs are challenged. Abortion, euthanasia [...]

Catholic Nurses Statement on Population and Development

Oral Statement Presented by: Marian Nowak DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN The International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants (CICIAMS) Comite International Catholique des Infirmieres et Assistantes Medico-Sociales 54th Session of the Commission on Population and Development United Nations New York, New York April 19-23, 2021 Theme: Population, Food Security, Nutrition, and Sustainable Development CICIAMS Representation Team: M. Arvonio, M. Nowak, and P. Sayers Commission Chair, Distinguished Panel Members, National Representatives, and Guests: During the first World Food Conference in 1974, Henry Kissinger made the famous statement “within 10 years [...]

13 Century B.C. Civil Disobedience by APNs

The First Civil Disobedience Case in Recorded History Involved Two APNs (13 Century B.C.) An Overview of the Right of Conscience Exercised by Shiphrah and Puah By Patricia A. Sayers, DNP, RN This article reviews the first civil disobedience case in recorded history. The case occurred in Egypt during the 13 Century B.C. The case involved two advanced practice nurses (APNs) named Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1:15-16). Both APNs exercised “right of conscience” actions which saved a generation of Jewish people and continues to alter the course of global events [...]

New Local Council in Lansing, Michigan

Congratulations to the Catholic Nurses in the Diocese of Lansing for establishing a local council.  Through the leadership of Cynthia DL Thelen, MSN, LNHA, BSN, RN and a determined steering committee, these Nurses have worked diligently throughout the pandemic to develop the Diocese of Lansing Council of Catholic Nurses. The local council is under the spiritual direction of Fr. Tim Nelson.  Monthly meetings are scheduled for the 1st Wednesday of every month in Jackson with a focus on nursing ethics, professional formation, and fellowship. Join with them in celebration at their [...]

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