Nurse Conscience Rights

Good News for Nurses' Conscience Rights Protection Carolyn Laabs, PhD, MA, FNP-BC, RNChair, Ethics & Spirituality Committee It is good to know that at last laws protecting conscience objection to participating in abortion are being enforced. On August 28, 2019 the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMC) was put on notice by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) for violating the Church amendments by forcing nurses to assist with abortions against their moral objections. Upon an investigation by the OCR, the [...]

Healthcare Right of Conscience

Opposition to "Group of Six" Medical Associations Protect the Unborn and Our Healthcare Right of Conscience Read the Press Release The National Association of Catholic Nurses, U.S.A (NACN-USA). has joined with the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA), American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), Catholic Medical Association (CMA), the Coptic Medical Association and the National Catholic Bioethics Center to protect the unborn and our healthcare right of conscience in opposition to statements made by leading medical associations, the “Group of Six.” The “Group [...]

Immunizations Grown in Aborted Fetal Cells

NACN-USA Urges the FDA to Find Alternatives to Immunizations Grown in Aborted Fetal Cells "While alternative vaccines exist in the United States for polio, rabies and shingles, there are no ethically-produced alternatives for the Hepatitis A, MMR and Varivax vaccines. Specififcally, the rubella portion of the MMR uses RA27/3 virus which was cultivated on the WI-38 cell line, both of which involved nearly 100 elective abortions in the research and development. Likewise, the Varivax (chickenpox) vaccine also uses both WI-38 and yet another aborted fetal cell line, MRC-5, which was [...]

Request AMA to Oppose Assisted Suicide

NACN-USA Requests the AMA Oppose Assisted Suicide & Assisted Death At the American Medical Association House of Delegates meeting in Chicago next week, June 8-12, 2019 the AMA will consider again whether to change its position of opposition to Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) to a position of one of neutrality. In addition, the delegates from the state of New Mexico have proposed (resolution #20) to change the terminology to that of "Physician Assisted Dying" (PAD) and are recommending a position of "engaged neutrality." Read the letter that the National Association [...]

Oppose Misnamed “Equality Act”

NACN-USA Joins Coalition Opposing the HR5 the misnamed "Equality Act" The bill would effectively mandate that all health care professionals perform and pay for "transition-affirming therapies" against their best medical judgment. Marie Hilliard, RN, MS, MA, JCL,PhD, Past President, NACN-USA "Equality Act" - Coordinated by the Heritage Foundation, the NACN-USA  joined the Pro-Life OBGYNs, Catholic Medical Association, National Catholic Bioethics Center, American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical Association, and the Physicians Resource Council of Focus on the Family in co-signing a letter to the Judiciary Committee of the [...]

NACN-USA Comments on ANA Proposal

The Nurse's Role when a Patient Requests Aid in Dying NACN-USA Provides Comments on the American Nurses Association Proposed Position Statement: "The Nurse's Role when a Patient Requests Aid in Dying" Read The ANA Proposed Position Statement » Read The NACN-USA Comments to the Statement » Listen To The Colleen Kelly Mast's Radio Program Discussing The Topic from March 30, 2019 » Update On June 22, 2019, the American Nurses Association (ANA) issued a new position statement, "The Nurse's Role When a Patient Requests Medical Aid in Dying," which supersedes [...]

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