Catholic Nurses and Supreme Court Brief

National Association of Catholic Nurses, USA is the national professional organization for Catholic nurses in the United States. A nonprofit group of hundreds of nurses of different backgrounds, the NACN-USA focuses on promoting moral principles of patient advocacy, human dignity, and professional and spiritual development in the integration of faith and health within the Catholic context in nursing. Its members are critically concerned for the wellbeing of women and their unborn children threatened by the FDA-approved protocol for prescribing and dispensing mifepristone, described herein. * * * The current FDA [...]

2023 Year in Review

2023: A Year of Spiritual Nourishment, Advocacy, and Stewardship This report highlights 2023 NACN-USA accomplishments, endeavors underway, and vision for the coming year. Each pursuit presented involved active members from coast to coast. We have been blessed. Read the 2023 Year in Review

Catholic Nurse Rosary Video

A gift to the Blessed Mother and to you. Catholic Nurses from across the United States and the world pour their hearts out to the Blessed Mother in this beautiful, multiligual, prayer to Jesus through Mary.  Join us in prayer and subscribe to our channel. Watch our Rosary Video on Youtube

Establishment of Catholic Nursing Associations

April 8, 1938 Pizzardo, G. Cardinal. April 8, 1938. Letter to U.S. bishops. Retrieved from the Archives of The Catholic University of America.  ACUA, Aquinas Hall storage. November 2018. Retrieved from Records shelved in the archives storage facility in Aquinas Hall. November 2018. Retrieved from (Located by Dr. Cheryl Hettman, PhD, RN, Chair, Archives & History Committee, National Association of Catholic Nurses, USA and Past President 2010-2012). Read and Print the full letter here from Cardinal-Pizzardo-Letter-Addendum_C.Hettman_4-8-1938 Your Excellency, In the year 1935, as Your Excellency may recall, the [...]

2023 Vatican Christmas Card to Our Members

Below is your Christmas Card from the Vatican to CICIAMS / NACN-USA Members From: The Dicastery of Integral Human Development, Vatican City To: International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants (CICIAMS), Vatican City NACN-USA is the national Catholic Nursing organization representing the USA within CICIAMS.

CICIAMS Quarterly Newsletter Fall 2023

Read international Catholic Nurse news from around the world.  In this Fall 2023 edition read about From the International President's Desk - Dr. Rosemary Khosi Mthethwa, MPH, PhD, RN Preparing for the CICIAMS Africa Region Congress to be held on the 5 -9 August 2024 in Nairobi Kenya CICIAMS Testimony at the Annual Meeting with the Moderators of Associations of the Faithful, Ecclesial Movements and New Communities June 22, 2023, Rome, Italy. A note from His Holiness Pope Francis to Catholic Nurses. Updates and pictures from Singapore Catholic Nurses Guild. [...]

Proposed revisions to the Uniform Determination of Death Act

A letter to the Members of the Uniform Law Committee on the proposed revisions to the UDDA Read and Print Full Letter Date: July 11, 2023 The National Association of Catholic Nurses, USA (NACN-USA) is a professional Catholic Nursing organization whose members advocate to  protect the dignity and sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. Nurse members of NACN-USA strongly oppose the proposed revisions to the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) because: Death would be determined based on permanent verses irreversible circulatory or neurological criteria. [...]

CICIAMS Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2023

Read international Catholic Nurse news from around the world.  In this Summer 2023 edition read about From the International President's Desk CICIAMS at the United Nations-Dr. Patricia Sayers, DNP, RN Committee on the Family Submits Grant for Education in the Creighton Model Fertility Care System and NaproTechnology Save the Date – CICIAMS 7th African Regional Congress Election 2024 CICIAMS 7th African Regional Congress hosting General Council Meeting (GCM) CICIAMS and Nurses with Global Impact, Inc. Alliance 7th Annual International Nurses Day Celebration – May 12, 2023 2023 - CICIAMS Member [...]

Letter from His Holiness Pope Francis

Letter from His Holiness Pope Francis with greetings to CICIAMS Members (and thereby all NACN-USA Members)   Translation: Vatican 27 June 2023 Dear, I would like to thank you for your kind letter and for the expression of your spiritual closeness. I encourage all members of CICIAMS to continue this important service with love, generosity, and joy. Thank you for your witness and for the good you do throughout the world. Keep up the good work. May the Lord bless you and the Madonna keep you. Please [...]

NACN-USA Sponsors 60th Celebration at Madonna University

NACN-USA was a proud sponsor of the celebration at Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan on Saturday, February 25, 2023.  The nursing program titled, "Celebrating 60 years of Nursing Education Excellence" highlighted the care and compassion of the educators whose founders are Felician Sisters and their student graduates. Members of NACN-USA in attendance included Zachary McAllister, Madonna University staff member, CeeLee Pavlak, President, Kalamazoo Diocese Local Council, Janet Munday, Regional Director and Diana Ruzicka, CICIAMS General Secretary. During an open mic portion of the evening, Diana Ruzicka spoke about the special [...]

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