World Sight Day 2017

Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Prefect for the Dicastery from Promoting Integral Human Development, message on October 12, 2017 for the 30th Annual World Sight Day. Read full message here. "The celebration of the 30th World Sight Day, promoted by the World Health Organisation, the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness and the World Blind Union, which takes place on 12 October 2017, is for me an opportunity to address a fraternal and cordial greeting to all those in the world who are engaged in the fight against blindness."

Catholic Nurses Comments to ANA

NACN-USA Comments regarding the draft ANA Position Statement "A Call to Action: Cultivating Moral Resilience and A Culture of Ethical Practice" The ANA received comment on its draft revision on their position on the Cultivating Moral Resilience and A Culture of Ethical Practice. Carolyn Laabs, PhD, MA, FNP-BC, RNChair, Ethics & Spirituality Committee Thank you Carolyn Laabs, PhD, MA, FNP-BC, RN (Chair) and the Ethics and Spirituality Committee for formulating our comments. Read the NACN-USA comments on the ANA Position on Cultivating Moral Resilience and A Culture of [...]

Passage of Conscience Protection Act of 2017

NACN-USA Joins the USCCB and 32 other Organizations in a Joint Letter to Congress to Urge the Passage of Conscience Protection Act of 2017 The National Association of Catholic Nurses, U.S.A. joined the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and thirty-two other major pro-life, religious, and health care organizations on September 6 urging the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to pass the Conscience Protection Act of 2017 (H.R. 644/S. 301). Signatories include numerous medical groups representing tens of thousands of health care professionals who object to abortion and are [...]

Petition to Supreme Court to End Surrogacy Contracts

NACN-USA petitions US Supreme Court to End Surrogacy Contracts which Treat the Child as a Commodity Similar to Human Trafficking The National Association of Catholic Nurses, U.S.A. has joined other organizations, respectful of human life and the dignity of human procreation, in filing a friend of the court (Amicus) brief to the US Supreme Court demonstrating the detrimental effects on the child, and the vulnerable gestational mother, of Surrogacy Contracts. The goal is to have such contracts declared unconstitutional. Read Amicus brief

UN to Exclude Right to Life of Unborn

United Nations Human Rights Committee proposes to exclude the Unborn from a Right to Life The United Nations Human Rights Committee (UN HRC) has composed a draft of a General Comment to Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.  Article 6 addresses the Right to Life. The UN HRC is inviting comments on this draft.  A major concern of this draft is that it clearly excludes the unborn from a right to life and, thus, imposes a worldwide right to abortion. Read the UN-HRC Draft Comments [...]

Opposing Assisted Suicide in AMA

NACN-USA Urges AMA not to change their policy of opposition to assisted suicide Carolyn Laabs, PhD, MA, FNP-BC, RNChair, Ethics & Spirituality Committee Carolyn Laabs, PhD, MA, FNP-BC, RN Chair, Ethics & Spirituality Committee In June 2016, at the annual meeting, the 540 members of the American Medical Association (AMA) house of delegates, representing all facets of the house of medicine, voted to ask the board of trustees to study the issue of physician assisted suicide. The board has referred the item to the AMA Council on Ethical [...]

Ethical Responsibility to Manage Pain and Suffering

NACN-USA Comments regarding the draft ANA Position Statement on The Ethical Responsibility to Manage Pain and Suffering Carolyn Laabs, PhD, MA, FNP-BC, RNChair, Ethics & Spirituality Committee The ANA received comment on its draft revision on their position on the Ethical Responsibility to Management Pain and Suffering. Thank you Carolyn Laabs, PhD, MA, FNP-BC, RN (Chair) and the Ethics and Spirituality Committee for formulating our comments. Read the NACN-USA comments on the ANA Position on the Ethical Responsibility to Manage Pain and Suffering.

2017 Convocation of Catholic Leaders

USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders The Joy of the Gospel in America July 1-4, 2017, Orlando, Florida The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops convened an unprecedented gathering of key leaders from dioceses and Catholic organizations from across the country in order to assess the challenges and opportunities of our time, particularly in the context of the Church in the United States. The gathering assembled Catholic leaders for a strategic conversation, under the leadership of the bishops, on forming missionary disciples to animate the Church and to engage the culture. [...]

Conscience Protection Act of 2017 (H.R. 644)

Conscience Protection Act of 2017 (H.R. 644) The Conscience Protection Act (CPA) of 2017 (H.R. 644) has been introduced in the House of Representatives by Reps. Diane Black (R-TN) and Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) and in the Senate (S. 301) by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK). This much-needed, common-sense legislation addresses several “loopholes” in current federal laws that have allowed violations of conscience rights to continue and would ensure that those who provide health care and health coverage can continue to do so without being forced by government to help destroy innocent [...]

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