Parental Rights Letter to Chairwoman Foxx

The NACN-USA Board of Directors agreed to co-sign on a Parental Rights letter dated March 21,2023. Read the entire letter here. The letter was addressed to the Honorable Virginia Foxx Chairwoman House of Representatives Committee on Education & the Workforce where it identified concerns of protecting Parental Rights towards the health and well being of all children. The House of Representatives agreed to create a "Parents Bill of Rights" acknowledging the rights of parents to view school curriculums including topics on health education, fundamental right of parents to direct their [...]

Nurses Fight to Protect Freedom and Conscience

Catholic Nurses are fighting to protect religious freedom and conscience rights in providing care with a recent co-authored statement to the Biden Administration's Health and Human Services. Public Comment Opposed to Some of the Provisions in “Safeguarding the Rights of Conscience as Protected by Federal Statutes" [RIN 0945-AA18]1 Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals must be free to practice their professions in accordance with their professional judgment and ethical beliefs.  Without religious freedom and conscience protections such as were provided for in the 2019 Final Rule, healthcare professionals throughout the [...]

Pope Speaks on Human Trafficking

February 8, 2023 marks the memorial of Saint Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of victims of human trafficking.  Join Pope Francis in celebrating the Ninth International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, on the theme “Journeying in Dignity”. Read the Pope's message.  

End of Life Doula on Sacred Heart Radio

Bonnie Blachly MSN, RN, Certified End of Life Doula, Catholic Nurse and Regional Director for Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands & American Samoa was interviewed on Dan Kennedy's Life Talk NW on Sacred Heart Radio. Bonnie shares her end-of-life class, Birthing Your Soul into Eternal Life, which she co-developed to train lay persons, parishioners, and healthcare professionals on preparation for death, dying, grief, mourning and bereavement.  The class is just a portion of the ministry, Momento Mori which Bonnie also presented at the CICIAMS World Congress [...]

Non-Prescription Oral Contraceptive

Non-prescription oral contraceptive to prevent pregnancy. Catholic Nurses weighed in on the dangerous usage of a proposed contraceptive being available without prescription in this request for comment document the U.S. FDA.   November 14, 2022 Non-prescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the Obstetrics, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee U.S. Food and Drug Administration Dockets Management Staff RE: FDA-2022-N-1959-0001. “Joint Meeting of the Non-prescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the Obstetrics, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments.” Read and Print PDF [...]

Open Letter to AMA Condemning Eminence-based Medicine

Open letter to AMA, CHA, AAP discussing tactics of harassment, intimidation and threats of violence. Read and Print Full Letter October 28, 2022 Dear American Medical Association, Children’s Hospital Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics, On behalf of the American College of Pediatricians, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the Catholic Medical Association, the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, the Coalition for Jewish Values Healthcare Council, the Coptic Medical Association of North America, and the National Association of Catholic Nurses, USA, we write this open letter in response [...]

Philly Fun

While in Philadelphia, visit these great sites both Catholic and historical.  Opportunities abound with this Catholic Travel Agency.  Thank you to our member Peggy and her husband Daniel Humm for putting this together for everyone to enjoy.  Fees for excursion are separate from World Congress registration.  All questions related to this offering should be sent to View Excursions Here  

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