Marylee Meehan, Vatican Swiss Guard, H.E. Monsignor Zygmunt Zimowski, President PCHCW & Dr. J.M. Simon, President World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations

Gratitude to Our Member and Past President from the Vatican

Dear Ms Meehan,

I am writing to you to express my personal gratitude and that of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers (for Health Pastoral Care) for the nearness and solidarity that you demonstrated to us on the occasion of the death of our President, Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski. He bore further valuable witness in his determination ‘not to descend from the cross’ and in his valuing of the salvific aspect of suffering, in full adherence to his, and our, model and founder, St. John Paul II.

Your nearness, kind friend, on an occasion that was so painful for all of us who have lost him in this world, greatly comforted us at the Pontifical Council, the men and women who work with us, and all of those who are near to us, and you confirmed that sense of being a great family that unites health-care workers, both professionals and volunteers, and people who suffer in all countries and in the five continents of the world…

Read Full Letter

Marylee Meehan is a member of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers (Health Pastoral Care) to which she was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2011. She is also a Past President of CICIAMS, 2008-2010 and NACN-USA, 1996-1998.