USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders
The Joy of the Gospel in America
July 1-4, 2017, Orlando, Florida
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops convened an unprecedented gathering of key leaders from dioceses and Catholic organizations from across the country in order to assess the challenges and opportunities of our time, particularly in the context of the Church in the United States. The gathering assembled Catholic leaders for a strategic conversation, under the leadership of the bishops, on forming missionary disciples to animate the Church and to engage the culture.
Inspired by Evangelii Gaudium, the Convocation’s goal was to form leaders who will be equipped and re-energized to share the Gospel as missionary disciples, while offering fresh insights informed by new research, communications strategies, and successful models. Guided by Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation on the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world, diocesan delegations and leaders of National Catholic organizations reflected on various topics. Several of the plenary sessions, masses and devotions are available online on the USCCB Website The NACN-USA President is pictured in blue to the left in part one of the Eucharist Procession (28:08-28:26).
Diana Ruzicka, RN, MSN, MA, MA, CNS-BC, President, Dr. Marie Hilliard, MS, MA, JCL, PhD, RN, President-Elect and Alma Abuelouf, BSN, RN, Southeast Regional Director (2012-2014 President) attended the historic USCCB Convocation of Catholic leaders held in Orlando, Florida July 1-4, 2017. Marie also represented the National Catholic Bioethics Center. Alma was present as a delegate from Bishop Martin D. Holley’s Diocese of Memphis.

USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders — NACN-USA Display
Dr. Marie Hilliard, MA, MS, JCL, PhD, RN, President-Elect, Diana Ruzicka, MSN, MA, MA, CNS-BC, RN, President & Alma Abuelouf, BSN, RN, Southeast Regional Director (2012-2014 President)
Read some remarks by Dr. Marie Hilliard, MS, MA, JCL, PhD in observing the Health Care Panel and presentation by President Diana Ruzicka, RN, MSN, MA, MA, CNS-BC.
Recognizing that the peripheries in our Church are greatly varied, the breakout sessions in Round B offered the opportunity to more thoroughly examine and discuss groups on the margins in the ministry and life of the Church in the United States. The President, NACN-USA was blessed to present on the July 3, 2017, breakout panel (B18) — Catholic Health Care: Ministering to the Spiritual and Physical Needs of All People. Catholic health care offers a distinct ministry, following the example of Christ, the Great Physician. This session discussed the unique role of Catholic health care, which cares for the physical as well as the spiritual needs of all people. >

Bishop James Conley, Diocese of Lincoln, Opening in Prayer and giving Opening Remarks.
Dr. Steve White, CMA & Lead Panelist (blocked from view), Archbishop Peter Smith (Portland), Diana Ruzicka (Pres. NACN-USA), Bradley Hahn (Solidarity HealthShare), David Archer (Christian Brothers Univ.), Louis Brown (CMF CURO), John Brehany (NCBC), Dr. Marie-Alberte Boursiquot (Pres. CMA) (Thank you Dianne Marie Johnson, RN of Curatio: an Apostolatefor Catholic Health Care Workers for sharing your photo.)
Read the text of the presentation by the President, NACN-USA, Catholic Health Care Panel Presentation
Thank you to the CCHD and the USCCB Pro-life Secretariat for scholarships which enabled NACN-USA to attend this historic meeting.